Orival Water Filters

Orival Water Filters

Automatic Self Cleaning Filters
  • Cooling Towers
  • Rivers, Lakes, Wells
  • Removal of Sand, Pollen, Algae,
     Silt, Scale

How Orival Water Filters Work
  • Unfiltered Water Inlet
  • Two Stage Filtration / Course & Fine
  • Build up of a Filter Cake on the Fine      Screen
  • Pressure Drop is Controlled
  • Rinse Cycle is Activated
     (approx. 7 Seconds)
  • Screens are Cleaned & Dirty Water Sent to Drain

Orival Water Filters

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These are the highest quality industrial and mechanical equipment.


PH: 303.975.9487
CL: 303.887.7676
FX: 888.862.7472
EMAIL: sales@iptequipment.com
MAIL: P.O. Box 1199 Conifer, CO 80433
SHIPPING: 25587 Conifer Rd.,
STE 105-140, Conifer, CO 80433